Any rights, easements, interests or claims which may exist by reason of or reflected by the following facts: ___________________________________________________.
Comment: If the survey or inspection shows conflicts, encroachments or evidence of easements, you should except to those matters. In appropriate cases, you may provide express insurance as to such matters.
(1)[item] up to [maximum extent]
(2)[item] up to [maximum extent]
(3)[item] up to [maximum extent]
(1)[item] up to [maximum extent]
(2)[item] up to [maximum extent]
(3)[item] up to [maximum extent]
{or} [No variations or encroachments]
as shown on survey made by ________N._________, dated _____(date)________[and last redated ______(date)_____. Policy affirmatively insures that the existing buildings as shown on the above survey, unless excepted above, are located wholly within the boundaries of the premises described herein.
Subject to any state of facts since the date of the survey.
{or, where appropriate - residential only} Personal Inspection dated _____(date)_______ shows the following:
North Line:
South Line:
East Line:
West Line:
FOR LOAN POLICIES ONLY: Policy insures the mortgagee against monetary loss notwithstanding the above variations, encroachments and other matters set forth in the above survey exception and as noted under the personal inspection.
NOTE: Any changes to existing structures or the addition of any structures are within bounds unless stated to the contrary in the above personal inspection. Compliance with zoning, setback and other governmental requirements is not certified or insured; nor does policy insure that any of the other matters noted in the above personal inspection are within bounds.
The above-mentioned survey shows the premises as being improved by:
The personal inspection discloses the following additions, extensions or other structures:
The accuracy of the matters shown above for information only is not guaranteed or insured.
Note: You may add additional local exceptions here. Please consult with our underwriting personnel in preparing appropriate provisions.