Underwriting Manual: TX


Public Improvement Districts

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Underwriting Manual Subtopic

In General

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There is a distinct difference between "public" improvements which benefit the entire community, and "local" improvements, which benefit a particular real estate or certain limited areas of land. The latter improvements are usually financed by means of special or local assessments.

The area or locality benefited by the improvements is known as an "improvement district" or "benefited district".

Often self-governing districts are the source of special assessments. These districts are activated under Sec. 372.001 et seq. Local Govt Code by a city or county or by percentage vote of their inhabitants. Upon activation, the district becomes a separate legal entity governed by a board of directors and possessing many of the characteristics of a city, particularly in the field of examination. As a rule, a district issues its own bonds to finance particular improvements or to compensate for the condemnation of private property.

To repay the funds borrowed through the issuance of bonds, these districts have the power to assess all lands included in the district on an ad valorem basis, such assessments to constitute liens on the land until paid. These liens can be foreclosed by proceeding similar to those pertaining to tax sales and are prior to private property interests.

The most common improvements are: paving or construction of streets and sidewalks, sewers, irrigation or drainage ditches, water structures, parking facilities, etc..

Underwriting Manual Subtopic

Title Insurance Considerations

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  • TheTexas statutes creating such special lien are silent as to superiority.

  • The assessment becomes a lien on real property at the time it is recorded in the public record.

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