Setback Lines

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Standard Exception Topic


Setback Lines

Building lines or setback lines may be evidenced in the real estate records by covenants, conditions and restrictions, by a map or plat, or by a city ordinance. City setback lines are normally not separately excepted unless also shown in the public records. An exception to restrictions in a Declaration or map will adequately except to building lines established in that instrument.


Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Setback Line on Map

____________ foot setback line along the ___________ side of the Land as shown on or described in the plat of the subdivision recorded ____________.
Comment: This provision excepts to a building or setback line shown on the subdivision plat. In the alternative, the Policy may except to restrictions shown on the plat.

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Setback Line in Document

____________ foot setback line along the _____________ side of the Land as shown by or described in the instrument recorded __________________.
Comment: This provision excepts to a building or setback line shown in an instrument, such as covenants, conditions, and restrictions. In the alternative, the Policy may except to restrictions shown in the instrument. The Company prefers to except to restrictions in the instrument, particularly if there are any other provisions.

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Setback Line on Survey

______________ foot setback line along the _________ side of the Land as reflected by survey dated __________ made by ___________, surveyor.
Comment: This provision excepts to a building or setback line shown on a survey. Customarily, the Company refers to any other recorded instrument that also creates the building line.