Party Walls

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Standard Exception Topic


Party Walls

If a party wall lies along the property line, you must except to the terms of the agreement, if any. If the party wall is not located as provided in the agreement, you must separately except to rights in the party wall. If there is no agreement, you must separately except to rights in the party wall.


Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Party Wall Agreement

Terms and provisions of the party wall agreement between ____________ and ____________ recorded ____________.
Comment: You must except to the terms of a party wall agreement.

See Underwriting Manual

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

No Party Wall Agreement

Rights or interests of the adjoining owners in and relating to a party wall located along or adjacent to the ____________ line of the Land.
Comment: You must use this exception if there is a common wall along or near the property line and if there is no party wall agreement or if the separately excepted agreement is not consistent with the wall.

See Underwriting Manual