Breaks In the Chain

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Standard Exception Topic


Breaks In the Chain

If a portion of the land is apparently owned or claimed by a third party, do a complete examination of that claim for liens, taxes and conveyances.


Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Adverse Claim to Part of the Land – Requirement of Deed

The public records indicate that a portion of the land is vested in or claimed by __________ by virtue of instrument recorded _______________. The Company requires for its review a satisfactory deed executed by ________________ to _________, conveying said portion of the land. At that time, the Company may make additional requirements or exceptions.
Comment: If a portion of the land is apparently owned or claimed by a third party, the Company requires a complete examination of that claim for liens, taxes and conveyances.

See Underwriting Manual

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Liens on Adversely Claimed Part of the Land

The Company also requires for its review a satisfactory release of the following liens and encumbrances against the above described portion of the land:
Comment: If a portion of the land is apparently owned or claimed by a third party, the Company requires a complete examination of that claim for liens, taxes and conveyances.

See Underwriting Manual

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Possible Retroactive Taxes to Part of the Land

Possible retroactive taxes and assessments against the following part of the land:
Comment: If a part of the land is separately claimed and is not taxed, or is not included in the land description on the tax rolls, the Company requires this exception unless all such possible taxes are paid.

See Underwriting Manual

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