GA Purchaser’s Affidavit and Indemnification for OCGA

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GA Purchaser’s Affidavit and Indemnification for OCGA

Form Document
V 3


As To Foreign Adversary Status



STATE OF GEORGIA                                                          File No.___________________________


COUNTY OF __________________                                                                       


Description of the Land (the “Premises”):






                                                BE IT KNOWN,  That on the day of the date hereof, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public personally appeared ________________________________________ (jointly and severally the “Deponent (s)”) who, being duly sworn according to law, did depose and say:


THAT Deponent (s) is the Purchaser (the term “Purchaser” herein shall include a lessee) or authorized signatory of the Purchaser of the Premises described above.

THAT if Purchaser is a business entity – said entity is a business entity duly created in accordance with the laws of its home state, and that it is presently in good standing in its home state.

THAT the Deponent (s) is aware that the Premises may meet the definition of “Agricultural land” pursuant to OCGA Section 2-1-7 (the “Statute”) or land located within a ten-mile radius of any military base, military installation, or military airport.

THAT the Deponent (s) hereby certifies and acknowledges:


1.      That neither Purchaser, nor any interest holder of whatsoever nature of

Purchaser, is or has been designated as a “Foreign adversary” by the United States Secretary of Commerce pursuant to 15 C.F.R. Section 7.4.


2.      That should it be determined that the Purchaser or any direct or indirect interest holder  of the Purchaser  now, or in the future, is a Foreign adversary that the Purchaser is subject to all enforcement remedies set forth in the Statute, including, but not limited to, full and complete divestiture of Purchaser’s ownership of the Premises without recourse or claim for restitution against any party, including against any Title Policies issued by Stewart Title Guaranty Company (“Stewart”) insuring the Purchaser’s interest in the Premises.



This affidavit is made for the purpose of inducing Stewart to insure title to the Premises, and I/we realize that the seller, lender and Stewart are relying on the representations contained herein.  Deponent and Purchaser do hereby indemnify and hold Stewart harmless of and from any and all loss, cost, damage and expense of every kind, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, which Stewart shall or may suffer or incur or become liable for under its said policy or policies arising directly or indirectly out of or on account of any omissions or misrepresentations made under this Purchaser’s Affidavit and Indemnification. 


If the Purchaser is an entity, I have authority to sign on its behalf.



Sworn to and subscribed before me


This _________ day of _______________ 202__   


_________________________________                   ____________________________________
Name:                                                                          Name:

Capacity:                                                                     Capacity:




Notary Public
My Commission expires:


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