NY Section 255 Affidavit

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NY Section 255 Affidavit

Form Document
V 1


State of   New York               ) 

                                                )  ss.:
County of      )

     , being duly sworn, depose and say that:

I/We are the owner(s) of property situate at       and the borrowers of the mortgages hereinafter described:

1.      Mortgage dated       made by       to       in the amount of $      and recorded on       in Liber/Reel       Page       at which time mortgage tax in the amount of $      was duly paid. 

2.      Mortgage dated        made by       to       in the amount of $      and is intended to be recorded simultaneously herewith at which time mortgage tax of $      will be duly paid.

The above mortgages were consolidated into a single lien of $      by Consolidation Agreement dated       between       and       which Consolidation Agreement is intended to be recorded simultaneously herewith.

            The Consolidation Agreement presented for recording herewith is given for the purpose of further securing the same principal indebtedness and said Consolidation Agreement does not create or secure any new or further indebtedness or obligation other than the principal indebtedness secured by said mortgages.  There have been no re-loans or re-advances on said mortgages.

WHEREFORE deponent respectfully requests that the Consolidation Agreement tendered herewith for recording be declared exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of Section 255 of Article 11 of the Tax Law of the state of New York





Subscribed and sworn to
This       day of       , 20     

Notary Public

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