NY Affidavit in Connection With a No Consideration Transfer

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NY Affidavit in Connection With a No Consideration Transfer

Form Document
V 1


TITLE NO.:                                                          STATE OF NEW YORK                                     )
                                                                                                                                           )  SS.:
DATE:                                                                   COUNTY OF ____________________­­­­­­­____)

I/We, __________________________, being duly sworn depose and say under the penalties of perjury as follows:

I/We hereby acknowledge and confirm that the deed from ______________________________________________, Grantor, to ______________________________________________, Grantee, dated ____________________ and recorded ____________________ in Liber/Reel/Instrument No. ______________________________________

________________________________ at page ____________________ was made for no consideration.

Said deed conveying title in the property known as:

Address:  _____________________________________________________________________________________


Section: _________________   Block: _________________    Lot: _________________

The undersigned represents that the grounds upon which the claim of no consideration is based as follows:

  •   Divorce
  •   Gift transfer
  •   Mere change of identity or form of ownership/organization
  •   Conveyance to secure a debt or other obligation
  •   Other: _______________________________________________________________________________


The aforementioned no consideration transfer was made solely for the grounds stated herein.  That in the execution and delivery of said deed the Grantor(s) was/were not acting under any misapprehension as to the effect thereof, and acted freely and voluntarily and was/were not acting under coercion or duress.  I/we affirmatively represent that said transfer does not leave insolvent, and is not done to hinder, delay or fraud creditors. 

I [We] make this affidavit to induce __________________________ as policy issuing agent for Stewart Title Insurance Company (collectively, “Title Insurer”) to insure title to the Premises free and clear of any exceptions for the above matters, knowing that Title Insurer is relying on the accuracy of the foregoing statements.

                _____________________________                       _____________________________

                _____________________________                        _____________________________


Sworn to before me on the

____ day of ___________, 20___


Notary Public State of New York

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