NM Form 65.2 Zoning - Completed Structure - No Applicable Zoning Ordinances Endorsement

This form applies to:
  • New Mexico
Forms by State
Organization Forms

NM Form 65.2 Zoning - Completed Structure - No Applicable Zoning Ordinances Endorsement

Form Document
V 2

Zoning – Completed Structure – No Applicable Zoning Ordinances Endorsement 

Attached to Policy No. _________________

Issued by

Stewart Title Guaranty Company

The Company insures against loss or damage sustained by the Insured in the event that, at Date of Policy, the Land is subject to any applicable zoning ordinance.

Date of Endorsement: ____________________

[Witness clause optional]

Stewart Title Guaranty Company


By: __________________

Authorized Signatory

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.