VA Recording Information Sheet

This form applies to:
  • Virginia
Forms by State
Organization Forms

VA Recording Information Sheet

Form Document
V 1

VA Recording Information Sheet 


Date sent for recording: ____________ County/City: ______________

Date to be recorded: _______________ Bring to date from: ________

Examiner case #: __________________ Agent case #: ____________


Special Instructions:



When recorded, please contact: __________ Phone: ______________

Client: ______________________________


Grantor Name(s): __________________________________________

Grantee Name(s): __________________________________________

Legal Description: __________________________________________


Record documents in this order:


1.___________________     4. ___________________

2.___________________     5. ___________________

3.___________________     6. ___________________



                   Recorder/examiner must complete:

The following found in bring down:

FS ___________________________________________

L&C __________________________________________

Judgments _____________________________________

Grantor _______________________________________

Grantee _______________________________________


Bring down and recording done by: __________________


Through: ________ (Date) ______ (Time) ____________

Return this document and recording receipt(s) to:


No guidelines are available for this form at this time.