COUNTY OF _______ )
__________________________ (“Affiant”), upon first being duly sworn upon his/her oath, says:
___________________________, “Mortgagee” is the current owner of that certain mortgage from ______________________________(“Borrowers”) to ______________________ (“Mortgagee”) in the amount of ________________________dated ______ and recorded in the office of the ______________ County Recorder as Instrument No. _______________, (“Mortgage”) which is secured by the following described real property:
[Attach or insert legal description]
Mortgagee is the current owner of the Mortgage.
Mortgagee certifies that the date on which the Mortgage matures or finally becomes due is___________________, 20___.
Under penalties of perjury, the undersigned, in the capacity set forth below, hereby certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that the above statements are true and accurate and that the undersigned has full capacity and authority to execute this document.
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