ID Lot Book Guarantee 12

This form applies to:
  • Idaho
Forms by State
Organization Forms

ID Lot Book Guarantee 12

Form Document
V 1


Lot Book Guarantee

Order No.: ________________

Guarantee No.: ____________

Date of Guarantee: _________

Liability: __________________

A. Assured:

B. Assurances, given without examination of the documents listed or referred to and only to the specifically named documents and no others:

1) Description of the land:

2) The last recorded instrument in the public records purporting to transfer title to the said land was:

3) That there are no mortgages or deeds of trust describing the
land that have not been released or reconveyed by an instrument
recorded in the public records, other than those shown below under

4) That there are no contracts for sale, contracts for deed,
including memorandums giving notice of such contracts, attachments,
tax deeds recorded within the last 9 years, which purport to affect the
land other than those shown below under Exceptions..

C. Exceptions:

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.