MT Deed-Warranty 1

This form applies to:
  • Montana
Forms by State
Organization Forms

MT Deed-Warranty 1

Form Document
V 1

Order No.: *

Parcel No: *


Hereinafter called, Grantor, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto


Whose address is: *


TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee and to the Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, that the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said premises; that said premises are free from all encumbrances except for current years taxes, levies, and assessments, and except U.S. Patent reservations, restriction, easements of record, and easements visible upon the premises, and the Grantor will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever.

Dated: ___________________ 20_____

____________________________________ *





STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF ________________

This instrument was acknowledged before me on this _____ day of ________________, 20_____ by * ___________________ who personally appeared before me the undersigned notary public.


Notary Public

Residing at __________________________

Commission Expires ___________________


No guidelines are available for this form at this time.