AZ Deed of Release and Reconveyance (Trustee) 1

This form applies to:
  • Arizona
Forms by State
Organization Forms

AZ Deed of Release and Reconveyance (Trustee) 1

Form Document
V 1

Deed of Release and Reconveyance

WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured to be paid by the deed of trust executed by


as Trustee, datedand recorded onin the County Recorder's

Office of the County of,State of Arizona, at, of official records, has been

fully paid.


as Trustee, does hereby GRANT and RECONVEY unto THE PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO, without warranty, all the estate and interest derived to the said Trustee, under said deed of trust, in the lands therein described, situated in the County of ____________, State of Arizona, reference being hereby specifically made to said Deed of Trust and the record thereof for a particular description of said lands.




STATE OF __________________

County of ___________________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __________ day of _____________, 19 ____.

By ____________________________ and




of _____________________________

an ____________________ corporation,

on behalf of the corporation.

Notary Public

My commission will expire _______________

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