Native Americans

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Table of Contents
Standard Exception Topic


Native Americans

Always consult with the Company in the event of an existing Native American claim, regardless of whether a suit is pending. Consult with the Company if you are asked to insure on allotment or tribal transactions.
A full copy of the charter or constitution, all amendments, the current bylaws, and a resolution;
(3) Certification that no other entity exists with the same or similar name.


Standard Exception Subtopic



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Non-Intercourse Act

Any right or claim, whether or not of record, including but not limited to any right of possession or claim for damages relating to the Land, that has or may be asserted, by or on behalf of any Indian or Indian tribe arising out of any treaty or other transfer of land based on the Indian Non-Intercourse Act of 1790, or any similar state or federal law.
Comment: A number of Native American claims are based upon state transfers made without appropriate federal consent.