Lis Pendens

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Standard Exception Topic


Lis Pendens

A lis pendens is a notice of pending litigation. It constitutes constructive notice of any claims in the suit as to the land. In the absence of a lis pendens, a third person who has actual notice of a suit generally has the duty to inquire as to whether the suit may reflect a claim on the land. Therefore, the absence of a lis pendens or discharge of lis pendens by interlocutory court order does not relieve you from reviewing the suit. Some states establish a procedure (by bond, money, or guaranty) to expunge the lis pendens. You must secure approval from the Company in order to rely on this procedure.

Comment: If a person claiming an interest in the land is served by publication and does not enter an appearance, you must require a deed from that person unless subsequent extended actual use and state title examination customs justify reliance on citation by publication.

(1) Action must be discontinued and Notice of Pendency canceled by order of Court; and

(2) A deed is required from __(name[s])__, conveying the interest claimed.


Standard Exception Subtopic



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Lis Pendens and Suit

Notice of Lis Pendens recorded ____________ reflecting that suit entitled ________________, under Case or Docket No. ____________, and any claims or rights that may be reflected by, or judgments or orders rendered pursuant to, the Notice or suit.
Comment: If a lis pendens is filed, you must except to the effect of the suit and claims in the suit. If the suit is dismissed without prejudice, you must continue to except to claims reflected by the suit.

See Underwriting Manual

Standard Exception Subtopic



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Suit No Lis Pendens

That suit titled ___________ under Case or Docket No. _______ claiming or seeking _______________ and other matters and any claims or rights that may be reflected by, or judgments, decrees, or orders rendered pursuant to the suit.
Comment: If no lis pendens is filed, you must except to any suit that may affect title to the land. If the suit is dismissed without prejudice, you must continue to except to claims reflected by the suit.

See Underwriting Manual