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Standard Exception Topic



If the land is a hospital, health care or medical facility, verify that no federal funds have been advanced for the land. The most common advances are Hill-Burton funds for medical facilities. You may call The Department of Health and Human Services and request a letter as to whether such funds were advanced. The Department may be contacted at 1-800-638-0742.


Standard Exception Subtopic



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Hospital – Hill-Burton Funds

The Company requires for its review a satisfactory letter from an appropriate representative of the Department of Health and Human Services that no funds have been advanced under the Hill-Burton Act. At that time, the Company may make additional requirements or exceptions. The Department may be contacted at 1-800-638-0742.
Comment: If the land is a hospital, health care, or medical facility, verify that no federal funds have been advanced for the land. The most common advances are Hill-Burton funds for medical facilities. You may call the Department of Health and Human Services and request a letter as to whether such funds were advanced. The Department may be contacted at 1-800- 638-0742.


Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Hospital – Hill-Burton Funds

Restrictions on the uses, occupancy and ownership of the land as established under 42 U.S.C. § 291 et seq. or any similar laws, and rights of the United States pursuant thereto to recover its contribution to construction costs on violation..
Comment: If the land is a hospital or other health care or medical facility, verify that no federal funds have been advanced for the land. The most common advances are Hill-Burton funds for medical facilities. You may call the Department of Health and Human Services and request a letter as to whether such funds were advanced. The Department may be contacted at 1-800-638-0742.

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 2

Hospital – Hill-Burton Funds

Rights of the United States to recover funds from the owner or transferee of any portion of the land under 42 U.S.C. § 291 et seq. or similar laws or other provisions of federal law relating to health care. The Department may be contacted at 1-800-638-0742.
Comment: If the land is a hospital or other health care or medical facility, verify that no federal funds have been advanced for the land. The most common advances are Hill-Burton funds for medical facilities. You may call the Department of Health and Human Services and request a letter as to whether such funds were advanced. The Department may be contacted at 1-800-638-0742.

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