STG Missouri Audio/Visual Notarial Act Acknowledgment

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STG Missouri Audio/Visual Notarial Act Acknowledgment

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STG Missouri Audio/Visual Notarial Act Acknowledgment

Audio/Visual Notarial Act Acknowledgment and Consent

File No. __________________________________________

Insured Owner(s): _________________________________________________________

Owner's Policy Amount: __________________

Insured Lender: _________________________________________________________

Loan Policy Amount: __________________

This Audio/Visual Notarial Acknowledgment relates to the unprecedented circumstances arising out of the Coronavirus pandemic and its potential impact on your transaction. The Missouri Secretary of State has promulgated temporary emergency rules relative to Notarial Acts in the State of Missouri, which rules provides a process for notarizing a document and substituting the physical in-person appearance before a notary public with audio/visual technology. This is not a Remote Online Notarization as wet signatures will be affixed by the borrower/signer and the notarial officer.

In consideration of the issuance of a policy/policies of title insurance by Stewart Title Guaranty Company and its Policy Issuing Agent ________________________________________, if applicable (collectively, "Stewart"), to the owner and/or lender named above, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees as follows:

The documents to be executed by the Borrower, Buyer, or Seller may be executed in accordance with the rules promulgated by the Secretary of State, which can be viewed at the following webpage

Notwithstanding any inconsistent contract provisions or instructions given to Stewart regarding the notarial requirements of the closing documents, this Acknowledgment and Consent controls.

The foregoing does not alter or diminish the coverage under the title insurance policy.

New Owner/Buyer New Owner/Buyer

Sign here:_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Print Name: __________________________ Print Name: ________________________ __

Lender Name

Sign here:

Print Name and Title: ________________________________

Seller (applicable only if any seller signed document is executed pursuant to Emergency Rules)

Sign here:

Print Name: Print Name:

Instructions to Closer:

This document must be signed by all Insureds (New Owner/Buyer and Lender) at or prior to closing, in all situations where you may notarize documents pursuant to the Emergency Rules. It doesn't need to be notarized. You may accept an emailed version of the text in an email from a representative of an Institutional Lender. Please retain a copy in your files and deliver a copy to the New Owner/Buyer, Lender and Seller, if any.

No guidelines are available for this form at this time.

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