NJRB 4-02 Attorney’s Final Certificate (for use only where binder has been issued)

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NJRB 4-02 Attorney’s Final Certificate (for use only where binder has been issued)

Form Document
V 1

For use where Binder

                                                       has been issued    




     This is to certify that marketable fee simple title to the real estate described in Schedule A of my Preliminary Certificate and Report on Title, No. ___________, is at the date of this certificate vested or record in ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By Deed from ___________________________________________________ dated _______ recorded __________ Book _________ Page__________.

     The instrument to be insured, which described the property exactly as set forth under Schedule A of my Preliminary Certificate and Report on Title, is identified as follows:

Deed as above set forth (strike out if owner is not to be insured.)

Mortgage from ___________________________________________, his wife, to ______________________________________________________________ dated _________ filed for record __________ Book ________ Page _______  Recorder’s Document Number______ Office of the______ County of______ State of New Jersey.  Secures:  $_____________, Maturity Date________ Assigned by ________________________________________________________ to _________________________________________________________________ by assignment of Mortgage dated ____________ recorded _____________ Book _______ Page ______ Document Number _____________________.


     1.  Taxes (Show year and quarter thereof through which taxes paid

         as of date of this Certificate.)

     2.  The following matters shown in my Preliminary Certificate

         and Report on Title which are still open or have been

        added since the date thereof.  (If there is any change in

        description shown in Schedule A or Preliminary Certificate

        and Report on Title, show new description on the back or

        this Certificate.  *[Specifically[,] list by appropriate number or letter, those items which are to be excepted in the final policy as said items are numbered or lettered in the Preliminary Certificate and Report on Title.]

           *[3. The following matters shown in my Preliminary Certificate and Report on Title have been disposed or in the following manner:]

     *[(Please submit documentary evidence as to how the above items were disposed of.)]

This is to further certify that the consideration for the transfer of title in the amount of $______________ has been paid in full and if a Mortgage policy is to be issued, that all the Mortgage funds have been advanced and the Mortgage is a valid first lien.

This is to further certify that (Deed) hereinabove set forth is a


sufficient legal (conveyance of) the property herein referred to,

                  (valid first lien on)

subject only to the matters referred to in this Final Certificate, and you are requested and authorized to issue policy of title insurance accordingly.

This is to further certify that the description or the property in

said (Deed) is the same as set forth in my Preliminary Certificate


and Report on Title unless otherwise shown herein.

Is property occupied by owners? _________ Tenants? ______________

If tenant, give parties, date and duration of lease ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*NOTE:     Bracketed items are optional instructions which may be added in accordance with each company’s practice.


Does tenant have renewal or purchase option? ____________________

My examination of title to said real estate was continued from the date shown in my Preliminary Certificate and Report on Title down to the _______________ day of _________________, 19 ___, at _________ o’clock, ______M.


                                        Approved Attorney

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