VA Pending Disbursement Clause (Stewpend) For use in Construction Loan Policies

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VA Pending Disbursement Clause (Stewpend) For use in Construction Loan Policies

Form Document
V 1


“Pending disbursement of the full proceeds of the loan secured by the Mortgage or Deed of Trust described in Schedule “A” hereof, this policy insures only to the extent of the amount actually disbursed. This policy insures against any loss or damage which might result from claims of mechanic's liens arising from non-payment of bills for labor performed or material furnished prior to _________________ except any such liens or notices thereof as may be recited under Schedule B hereof. At the time of each disbursement of proceeds of the loan, an endorsement to this policy must be secured increasing the amount insured hereunder up to the face amount of the policy, subject to the following requirements being met before issuance of such endorsement that: (a) the company is furnished evidence from the insured certifying that the disbursement has been made in good faith and without knowledge of any defect in, or objection to the title, (b) a title search by the Company reveals no liens, objections or any other adverse changes in the title; (c) the contractor and owner furnish this company satisfactory paid bills, lien waiver, or other evidence that all items from which a lien might arise, have been paid or otherwise satisfied, and (d) the Owner and Contractor furnish the Company satisfactory Affidavit and Indemnity Agreement(s) as to the matters referred to in (c) above.

This policy does not insure against mechanic's liens for labor performed and materials furnished subsequent to the last date to which mechanic's lien coverage has been extended, nor does this policy guarantee completion of the improvements in progress, or their compliance with plans and specifications. The company in no way guarantees the sufficiency of the mortgage proceeds as adequate to complete said improvements.

Notwithstanding any other language contained in the insuring provisions of this policy, the above provisions are the sole provision applicable to the extension of coverage for loss or damage resulting from mechanic's liens or claims of such liens not of record.”

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