NY Trust Affidavit

This form applies to:
  • New York
Forms by State
Organization Forms

NY Trust Affidavit

Form Document
V 1


State of New York  
County of ________

I, _________________________, being duly sworn, depose and state the following to be true under the penalty of perjury:

1.  I am over the age of eighteen (18) and reside at:

2.  I am the Trustee under the ________________________ (the “Trust”) (a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof).

3.  I represent that the Trust remains in full force and effect and that I am presently authorized to act as Trustee hereto.

4.  The Trustees named hereunder are presently qualified to act and there has been no change in composition of the Trustees since the formation of the Trust.

5.  I make this Affidavit knowing the same will be relied upon by:

a)   _____________________, in connection with the  purchase of certain real estate owned by the Trust known as ____________________________; and

b)   _____________________________, as policy issuing agents for Stewart Title Insurance Company, which is issuing a policy of title insurance in connection with the Purchase of the aforementioned premises.


Sworn to before me this

_____ day of ___________, 20___


No guidelines are available for this form at this time.