NM Form 91 Contract Purchaser Conversion Endorsement

This form applies to:
  • New Mexico
Forms by State
Organization Forms

NM Form 91 Contract Purchaser Conversion Endorsement

Form Document
V 2

Contract Purchaser Conversion Endorsement

Attached to Policy No. _________________

Issued by


Attached to and made a part of NM 1 Owner’s Policy No. _________________ (“Policy”):

1. Schedule A of the Policy is hereby amended as follows:

            A.        Date of Policy: ____________________

            B.        Amount of Insurance: $______________

            C.        The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Policy is Fee Simple and title to said estate or interest is vested in the Insured.

2.  Schedule B of the Policy is hereby amended by adding or deleting the following additional special exceptions as follows:

            A.        [Add or delete exceptions here, or if none, add the word “NONE”]

            B.        …..

3.  The Policy as modified by this Conversion Endorsement consists of the NM form 1 Owner’s Policy jacket including the Covered Risks, Exclusions from Coverage and Conditions, this Owner’s Contract Purchaser’s Conversion Endorsement, Schedules A and B of the Policy as modified by this Conversion Endorsement, and the following Endorsement(s):  [List additional owner’s endorsements here, or if none, add the word “NONE”].

Date of Endorsement: ____________________

[Witness clause optional]


By: __________________
Authorized Signatory

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.