ALTA Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance/Expanded Coverage Loan Policy Affidavit 2000

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ALTA Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance/Expanded Coverage Loan Policy Affidavit 2000

Form Document
V 1


Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ____________________ , personally known by me to be the persons who names are subscribed hereto, who being by me first duly sworn, on their oaths stated the following to be true and correct:

1. We are the owners of the land described in Exhibit A attached to this affidavit.

2. There are no liens against the land and no judgments or tax liens against us, except those liens described in the commitment by Stewart Title Guaranty Company describing the land (if there are additional liens, add after this paragraph 2).

3. All taxes and assessments by a taxing authority are paid through ________________. There have been no special tax assessments granted on the land. All tax exemptions were lawful.

4. All assessments by the homeowners' association for the subdivision/condominium are paid current and outstanding assessments are not yet payable.

5. There have been no improvements added to the land or construction on the land within the last year.

6. There are no pending repairs or improvements to the street(s) adjacent to the land.

7. The land has a single family house/condominium known as ___________________ (address). No separate building, garage or apartment is used as a second residence.

8. Any improvements we added to the land were authorized by a building permit.

9. We are not aware, and have not been told, that the improvements on the land violate any building permit, zoning, restrictions or covenants.

10. We are not aware, and have not been told, that the improvements on the land encroach over any building lines, easements or property lines.

11. We are not aware, and have not been told, that the improvements by our neighbors encroach over our property lines.

12. The land has actual pedestrian and vehicular access based on a legal right of access to the land.

13. There are no tenants, leases, or parties in possession of the property. 

14. We indemnify and hold harmless Stewart Title Guaranty Company from any loss, liability, costs, expenses and attorneys' fee, including attorneys' fees to enforce this agreement, because of any errors or incorrectness of this affidavit and because of any defects, liens, encumbrances or other matters currently affecting or that may affect the title to the land before the recordation of our conveyance or mortgage.

Date: _____________________



State of ___________________

County of _________________

Sworn to and subscribed before me the undersigned authority on this the __________ day of _____________ by ______________________ and ________________________.

______________________ Notary Public in and for ____________________

My commission expires ___________________

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For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.

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