STG Navigable Servitude Endorsement 1

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STG Navigable Servitude Endorsement 1

Form Document
V 1

This form should not be used if a comparable ALTA version is available. If a comparable ALTA version is available, the most current version of the ALTA form available in each state should be used, unless approved by a Stewart underwriter.


Attached To and Made a Part of

Policy No. __________

Issued By


A portion of the land insured hereunder may be land in what was formerly navigable waters, and therefore may be subject to rights of the United States Government with respect to control over navigable waters for purposes of navigation, commerce, recreation and fishery. The Company hereby affirmatively insures the Insured against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A and costs and attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the Insured by reason of any requirement relating specifically to the land described in Schedule C by the United States Government of removal of any filled-in land, or improvements constructed in accordance with any development plans approved by the City of _______________________ on said land resulting from the exercise of such rights. As used herein, "removal" shall include:


(a) physically taking possession without compensation of any of said land or improvements; or

(b) removal, or requirement of removal without compensation of any of said land or improvements; or

(c) restriction without compensation of any use and/or occupancy of any of said improvements in accordance with any development plans approved by the City of _______________________ ; or Plans of Seaport Centre; or

(d) the requirement of payment of any money or performance of any act as a condition to the continued use and/or occupancy of any of said land or improvements in accordance with any development plans approved by the City of __________________ .

The Company hereby insures the Insured against loss which said Insured shall sustain in the event that the assurance herein shall prove to be incorrect.

This endorsement is made a part of the policy and is subject to all of the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it increase the face amount thereof.

[Witness clause optional]

Copyright 1970-2024 Stewart Title Guaranty Company. All rights reserved. The use of this form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to Stewart Title Guaranty Company, its issuing agents, and affiliates in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited.

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.

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