PA Sheriff Distribution Policy 32

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  • Pennsylvania
Forms by State
Organization Forms

PA Sheriff Distribution Policy 32

Form Document
V 1


Attached to and made a part of Policy Number

File Number

THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE WITNESSETH, that STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Pennsylvania Corporation, for and in consideration of the premium paid, does hereby covenant that it will indemnify, hold harmless and insure ____________________________________________________________ Sheriff of the ____________________________ of __________________________ in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from all loss or damage not exceeding ________________________________ dollars, which the said insured shall sustain by reason of his distribution of the fund arising from a sale by him of the premises described in Schedule A hereof, under a certain Writ issued out of the ____________ Court __________________ of the County of _____________, 20____, No. __________ in action in said Court between _____________________________, Plaintiff, and _____________________________, Defendant, in the order and to the persons named and set forth in Schedule A to the extent of the funds arising from said sale, provided the distribution shall be made as certified hereon and in accordance with law, except as to any order of Court which may pray otherwise.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its authorized officers on the _____ day of ____________, 20_____.


I. Description of premises sold.

II. Persons to whom distribution is to be made.


Docket No.

Writ No.


Policy No.

Liability $

Charges $

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