ND Deed-Warranty 1

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  • North Dakota
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ND Deed-Warranty 1

Form Document
V 1

THIS INDENTURE, Made this _____ day of ____________, 20_____, between _____________________, husband and wife, as grantees, whose post office address is ____________________, __________________, North Dakota _________.

WITNESSETH, for and in consideration of the sum of _____________________ Dollars ($ ______________________ ), grantors do hereby GRANT to the grantee, all of the following real property lying and being in the County of _________________, State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit:

I certify that the full consideration for the property conveyed by this deed is $_______________.


Grantee or Agent

And the said grantees for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant with the grantee that they are well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid and have good right to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid; that the same are free from all encumbrance; except installments of special assessments or assessments for special improvements which have not been certified to the County Auditor for collection, add here if mortgage being assumed _______________________ and except easements, rights-of-way, restrictive covenants, and mineral conveyances and reservations of record, and the above granted lands and premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of said grantee, against all persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said grantors will warrant and defend.

WITNESS, The hands of the grantors:





COUNTY OF _____________________)

On this ____ day of _________________, 20_____, before me, personally appeared ________________________________ and ______________________, husband wife, known to me to be the persons who are described in, and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same.


Notary Public

_______________________________________ County

State of _____________________________________


My commission expires:

___________________________, 20_____

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