ND Deed-Warranty (Special) 1

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  • North Dakota
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ND Deed-Warranty (Special) 1

Form Document
V 1

THIS INDENTURE, Made this _____ day of ____________, 20_____, between ______________________________________, grantor, whether one or more, and _______________________________________________________________

___________________, whose post office address is ____________________

WITNESSETH, For and in consideration of the sum of _____________________ Dollars ($ ______________________ ), grantor do hereby GRANT to the grantees, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, all of the following real property lying and being in the County of _________________, and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit:

And the said grantor, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, does covenant with the grantees, to warrant and defend the title to the premises hereby conveyed against the claim of every person whatsoever claiming by, through, or under the said grantor.

WITNESS, The hand of the grantor:





In the presence of





COUNTY OF _____________________)

On this ____ day of _________________, 20_____, before me, personally appeared ______________________________________________________, known to me to be the person __ who __ described in, and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and severally acknowledged that _____ executed the same.


Notary Public

______________________________ County, N.D.

My commission expires:

___________________________, 20_____



COUNTY OF _____________________)

I hereby certify that the within Deed was filed in this office for record on the ____ day of _________________, 20_____, at _______________ o'clock __ M., and was duly recorded as Document No. ______ in Book ________ of Deeds, ________ Page ____.


Register of Deeds

By _________________________________________


DOC. NO. _____________

COPIED _______________

GRANTOR ____________

GRANTEE ____________

COMPARED __________

TRACT _______________

MARGINED __________

Delinquent taxes and special assessments or installments of special assessments paid and transfer entered this _____ day of ________, 20_____.


County Auditor

By _________________________________


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