ME Deed-Quitclaim (with Covenant) 1

This form applies to:
  • Maine
Forms by State
Organization Forms

ME Deed-Quitclaim (with Covenant) 1

Form Document
V 1

A.B. of ________________ County, _______________, (being unmarried [if true]), for consideration paid, grant to C.D. of ________________, _______________ County, ________________________, with quitclaim covenant the land together with the buildings and improvements thereon in _______________, __________________ County, ___________, bounded and described as follows:

[description and encumbrances, if any]

E.F., spouse of the grantor, releases all rights in the premises being conveyed.

Witness ______________ hand and seal this __________ day of ___________, 20____.

State of __________________

County of ________________,SS.(Date)

Then personally appeared the above named A. ( and B.) and (severally) acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his (or their) free act and deed.

Before me,


Justice of the Peace (or Notary Public)


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