MD Release of Mortgage 1

This form applies to:
  • Maryland
Forms by State
Organization Forms

MD Release of Mortgage 1

Form Document
V 1

(Common Form)

This release of mortgage, made this __________ day of __________, 20_______, by ___________, of ___________.

Whereas, the said _________________ is the holder of a mortgage from

_________________ to __________________ dated the __________ day of

_____________, 20_______, and recorded among the ___________ records of

__________ in liber No. __________ folio _________; and whereas the said

____________, having fully paid and satisfied the said mortgage, is entitled to have the property thereby affected released from the operation and effect thereof;

Wherefore, now, this release witnesseth that, for and in consideration of the premises and the sum of one dollar, the said __________ does hereby release the said mortgage and grant the property thereby affected unto the said ________, to be held by _________ in the same manner as if the said mortgage had never been made.

Witness the hand and seal of the said releasor.

________________________________ [Seal]


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