OR Request for Partial Reconveyance 2

This form applies to:
  • Oregon
Forms by State
Organization Forms

OR Request for Partial Reconveyance 2

Form Document
V 1

The undersigned beneficiary is the legal owner and holder of the promissory note in the original sum of ______________________, secured by that certain Deed of Trust dated _____________________, in which _____________________ is trustee, and _______________ ____________________ is/are grantor(s), recorded on _________________ as ______________, in Volume _________________ of Mortgages, at page _________, records of ________ County, Oregon.

You are requested to reconvey, without warranty, to the person(s) entitled thereto the right, title, or interest now held by you thereunder in and to that portion of the real property described in said Deed of Trust, situated in _____________________ County, Oregon, as follows:

The making of this partial reconveyance shall be endorsed by you upon said Deed of Trust which is herewith presented to you, together with the aforesaid promissory note, for that purpose.

Dated: ______________________________


__________________________________ ___________________________________

(Grantor)                                                      (Beneficiary)

__________________________________ ___________________________________

__________________________________ ___________________________________

__________________________________ ___________________________________

(Address)                                                     (Address)

No guidelines are available for this form at this time.