STG Acknowledgment of Due on Sale Clause 1994

Forms by State
Organization Forms

STG Acknowledgment of Due on Sale Clause 1994

Form Document
V 1



Dear Sirs:

Re: Address or Legal & File Number

You have pointed out to us the language in the [Mortgage] [Deed of Trust] recorded in Volume _____, Page _____ of the Real Property Records of ______________ County, concerning the requirement that the lender approve and be notified of any assumption.

Pursuant to our directions, you have not notified the lender of this transaction and have advised us to consult with our attorneys with regard to ascertaining our potential liabilities.

We hereby hold you harmless in the event the lender should mature the indebtedness or take any other actions it is permitted under the terms of its Agreement because of your following our instructions not to notify the lender of the sale of the herein referenced real estate.



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