Dear Associates:
On January 20, 2025, the Acting Secretary of the Interior issued Order No. 3414 entitled “Establishment of New Department Leadership Team and Temporary Redelegation of Authority.” The Order was amended on January 29, 2025, by Order No. 3415. Both Orders are linked above.
The Orders temporarily suspend delegated authority throughout the Department of Interior for matters such as granting deeds, leases, easements, permits, rights of way, etc. The Orders include a specific suspension applicable to renewable energy.
Sec. 3. Suspension of Authority. The delegations of authority to Department Bureaus and Offices to take any of the following actions are hereby temporarily suspended, but the actions may be approved by leadership identified in section 4 of this Order:
a. To publish, cause to be published, or aid in the publication of any notice in the Federal Register, including but not limited to notices of proposed or final agency action and actions taken in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
b. To issue, revise, or amend resource management plans under the authority of section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, as amended.
c. To issue any final decision with respect to R.S. 2477 claims, including recordable disclaimers of interest.
d. To appoint, hire, or promote personnel, or approve the appointment of any personnel. This does not apply to seasonal hires or emergency work force personnel.
e. To issue any onshore or offshore renewable energy authorization, including but not limited to a lease, amendment to a lease, right-of-way, amendment to a right-of-way, contract, or any other agreement required to allow for renewable energy development. This does not limit existing operations under valid leases. It also does not apply to authorizations necessary to (1) avoid conditions that might pose a threat to human health, welfare, or safety; or (2) avoid adverse impacts to public land or mineral resources.
If you are asked to insure transaction involving the Department of the Interior of the USA, which includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), please review the attached Orders 3414 and 3415 issued by the new Acting Secretary on January 20, and amended January 29.
If you have any questions relating to this or other bulletins, please contact a Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriter.
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