Dear Associates:
The Delaware Title Insurance Rating Bureau (“DTIRB”) submitted to the Delaware Insurance Department nineteen new endorsements, three revised endorsements, four revised policy forms, and a revised Closing Protection Letter. Simultaneously, the Rating Bureau is withdrawing three endorsements, the current version of the four revised policy forms, and the current Closing Service Letter. The revised forms were approved and will be effective September 1, 2017.
Furthermore, Section 3.12 SIMULTANEOUS ISSUE paragraphs (A.), (D.), (E.) and (F) have been revised to provide clarification as to the rate to be charged in the specific instance associated with each paragraph; and 3.16 CO-INSURANCE - BASIS FOR CALCULATING RATE has been added to the Rating Manual.
The new endorsements are as follows:
Anti-Taint Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 43-06) DTIRB 66 (09/01/17)
Assignment of Rents and Leases Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 10-06) DTIRB 67 (09/01/17)
Co-Insurance - Single Policy Endorsement - Owner’s and/or Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 23-06) DTIRB 68 (09/01/17)
Commercial Lender Group Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 42-06) DTIRB 69 (09/01/17)
Contiguity - Single Parcel Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 19.1-06) DTIRB 70 (09/01/17)
Contiguity - Single Parcel Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 19.1-06) DTIRB 71 (09/01/17)
Encroachments - Boundaries and Easements - Described Improvements and Land
Under Development Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 28.3-06) DTIRB 72 (09/01/17)
Encroachments - Boundaries and Easements - Described Improvements and Land
Under Development Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 28.3-06) DTIRB 73 (09/01/17)
Identified Risk Endorsement - Owner’s and/or Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 34-06) DTIRB 74 (09/01/17)
Interest Rate Swap - Additional Interest - Defined Amount Endorsement - Loan Policy (ALTA Endorsement 29.3-06) DTIRB 75 (09/01/17)
Interest Rate Swap - Direct Obligation - Defined Amount Endorsement - Loan Policy (ALTA Endorsement 29.2-06) DTIRB 76 (09/01/17)
Pari Passu Mortgage Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 45-06) DTIRB 77 (09/01/17)
Policy Authentication Endorsement - Owner’s and/or Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 39-06) DTIRB 78 (09/01/17)
Private Rights Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 9.9-06) DTIRB 79 (09/01/17)
Restrictions, Encroachments, Minerals - Current Violations Endorsement - Loan Policy (ALTA Endorsement 9.10-06) DTIRB - 80 (09/01/17)
Tax Credit Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 40-06) DTIRB 81 (09/01/17)
Tax Credit- Defined Amount Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 40.1-06) DTIRB 82 (09/01/17)
Utility Access Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 17.2-06) DTIRB 83 (09/01/17)
Utility Access Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 17.2-06) DTIRB 84 (09/01/17)
The revised endorsements are as follows:
Interest Rate Swap - Additional Interest Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 29.1-06) DTIRB 49 (09/01/17)
Interest Rate Swap - Direct Obligation Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 29-06) DTIRB 50 (09/01/17)
Non-Imputation - Partial Equity Transfer - Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 15.2-06) DTIRB 33 (09/01/17)
The revised policy forms are as follows:
ALTA Short Form Residential Loan Policy - Current Violations (04/02/15) - as modified by DTIRB (09/01/17)
ALTA Homeowners Policy of Title Insurance (For a One-to-Four Family Residence) (12/02/13)
ALTA Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy - Current Assessments (04/02/15) - as modified by DTIRB (09/01/17)
ALTA Short - Form Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy - Current Assessments (04/02/15) - as modified by DTIRB (09/01/17)
The new Closing Protection Letter:
DTIRB CPL (09/01/17)
The following endorsements have been withdrawn simultaneously with the filing of the new endorsement forms:
Interest Rate Swap - Additional Interest Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 29.1-06) DTIRB 49 (07/15/2011)
Interest Rate Swap - Direct Obligation Endorsement - Loan Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 29-06) DTIRB 50 (07/15/2011)
Non-Imputation - Partial Equity Transfer - Endorsement - Owner’s Policy
(ALTA Endorsement 15.2-06) DTIRB 33 (12/1/2008)
The following policy forms have been withdrawn simultaneously with the filing of the new policy forms:
ALTA Short Form Residential Loan Policy (06/16/2007) - as modified by DTIRB (12/1/2008)
ALTA Homeowners Policy of Title Insurance (For a One-to-Four Family Residence) (02/03/10)
ALTA Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (07/26/10) - as modified by DTIRB (07/15/2011)
ALTA Short - Form Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (07/26/10) - as modified by DTIRB (07/15/2011)
The following Closing Protection Letter has been withdrawn simultaneously with the filing of the new Closing Protection Letter:
The Rate Manual and forms are available under the “Forms and Policy Information” index on our website: The forms are also available on
Agents, please contact PropertyInfo Customer Care or your title production software vendor to get the new rates/forms changes implemented in your system.
If you have any questions relating to this or other bulletins, please contact a Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriter.
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