Dear Associates:
The North Carolina Legislature instituted several changes affecting recording fees and regulation of recorded documents in North Carolina.
North Carolina recording fees will change on October 1, 2011, as follows:
Deeds and other instruments (except Mortgages and Deeds of Trust) will be $26.00 for the first 15 pages and $4.00 for each additional page over 15.
Mortgages and Deeds of Trust will be $56.00 for the first 15 pages and $4.00 for each additional page over 15. These fees will also apply to amended, restated, supplemented, or modified deeds of trusts.
Subsequent instruments with references to more than one original instrument requiring indexing will be $25.00. (For example, modification, supplement, amendment, substitution of documents, not including deeds of trust)
Documents consisting of multiple instruments will be charged an additional $10.00 per instrument.
Beginning October 1, 2011, satisfactions must be in the form of Certificate of Satisfaction or Notice of Satisfaction. Presentation by secured creditors or trustees of original security instruments and notes are no longer available.
Beginning June 27, 2011, North Carolina has expanded the requirement of the identification of a person or law firm as drafter of a deed and/or deed of trust. Documents prepared out of state must list the Non-North Carolina person as the drafter on page one of the document.
Beginning October 1, 2011, the formatting requirements have been revised. The side margins must now be one-quarter inch (currently one-half inch required) and the font size no smaller than nine points (currently no less than 10 points required).
A schedule of recording fees is appended.
If you have any questions relating to this or other bulletins, please contact a Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriter.
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